Monday, June 22, 2009

This is my Plea to you.

Yesterday was a rough Day for some people in my family that I care about very much, I will make this plea and then not another word about it.

To most of you, this will have no relevance and that's OK just skip this entry and look at my beautiful Babies pictures. To those that this does apply: After reading this please no longer log on to my Blog for this is only for people who care about what is happening in my life and my children's life and not so you can form a book club and discuss my every word.

I have two Grandparents that are living in Florida and I miss them very much and I worry about their health. I have spoken to them on many occasions and I wish they lived closer to us so that my kids could know them. I do hope however that when they are able to come to town that they give us a call so we can get together. My grandmother has had a tough go of it lately and no one gives us updates on how their doing so I think about them often and pray that all is well. They have always been good to me and my kids and they know That I have always been appreciative for that.

I have relatives out of state that have been content to just sit back and take in whatever toxic waste that has been spit at them. My plea to you is , there are 3 sides to every story and The story has run its course ( the book is getting old ) If you have any feelings at all for me or my kids? I would welcome a phone call from you and we will just talk about Life and nothing else! otherwise if you choose to base your opinion solely on here say or on a email that went to far then you are no better then the rest of us and I will know where you stand.

Now For YOU: There are things that even you don't know about, what made those emails so harsh! or maybe you do. does not matter either way I guess. I am not making this plea for myself, please leave the kids out of it! I know you are not very good at censoring yourself but they are just kids and they don't deserve to be getting the garbage you are emailing them. If you want to salvage anything left of that relationship then you will stop bashing their mother to them. I promise you they will hate you for it. No one wants to see these kids hurt and I would like to think that you have enough love for them to talk to them like a Grandmother and not someone with so much hate.

I have never asked you for anything and never will again so please I am asking you now to keep them out of it, They are hurting.

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