Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm taking a moment to Breathe.

I just got back from picking up a prescription for Abby, she has Strep for the 2ND time in 11 days. Avery has a stomach virus ( use your imagination on that one! ) and Grace has muscle spasms and severe itching!

Thank God for Breast milk that's keeping the Baby healthy. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a germaphobe and this is really testing my yuck factor big time!!!

We have really great friends and Family that have been sending Grace care packages. They really make Grace happy and to see her smile right now makes our day. So Thank You all so much and I love you for bringing joy to her in a very tough time.

We took Grace to see her Orthopedic Doctor at Children's ( Via Wagon )on Wed 2-18-09 for a x-ray to make sure that the bone is still in place and I'm relieved to say that all is well and we will see him again in two weeks. Yeah for that...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gracie ( AKA Supergirl )

I'm going to add just a little Post while Gracie is sleeping.

Wednesday Morning we stopped off at the store for just a minute and while we were there a cabinet fell on top of Gracie. Crushing her whole body underneath it.

The store manager had to help me get it off of her and then she called 911,

David made it to the store thank god before the EMT. The ambulance rushed her to Children's. (David followed in the van with the other kids)

They took x-rays and found she had a badly broken Femur ( right thigh)

They rushed her to the Operating Room. That was very hard, letting them wheel my baby away and she was so scared and I couldn't go with her.

A couple hours later as I waited for her up in her room, They wheeled in a very groggy little girl with a purple cast ( Spika body cast) That goes from right below the breast all the way down both legs to the toes.

I will post a picture now and I will try to write more later right now I just want to go lay down next to her and Thank God she's OK.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Avery is 9 years old Today.

OHH my gosh, look how little he is.
Valentines Day at Preschool.

Helping Daddy Built the deck.

Lovin on Baby Grace

Daddy took him to visit some friends at the Fire department
Our Baseball Star.

Fishing off the boat.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

My Abby Girl is 7 Years Old Today!

Abby's first time in the Snow, I could just squeeze those cheeks.

Daddy in the Hot Tub with Abby and Avery.

Giving Bubby lovin.

Abby on her 3rd Birthday.
My two Girls.
Wow, I can't believe it has been this long since preschool.

Fishing off the boat on our Camping trip.

Kindergarten Graduation Day.

Grace and Abby