Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Take care of your own Damn Kids! (I AM)

I received an Email a few days ago, I think maybe even The best Email I have ever read.
I am so sick of people having children and not having to take
care of them. My husband and I talked before we were married
about how our children would be raised and whether I would
work or stay home. Hey, I know that sometimes things just happen without planning for it. I get it I really do, but grow up! You decided to have these Babies. Nothing good will come from Enabling these people and not forcing them to take responsibility for there own actions. All this is doing is delaying the inevitable and screwing up another generation of kids! I don't know who's worse, the irresponsible or the enablers? Equal I think! Hey I'm not looking for a pat on the back for taking care of my kids. I know they're mine and my husbands responsibility but If I'm not getting a pat on the back for doing the right thing, shouldn't they be getting a kick in the ass for doing the wrong thing?

Here is the Email:

Subject: Urine drug testing

(I sure would like to know who wrote this one! They deserve a HUGE pat on the back!) I DO HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB..... BUT I AGREE 100% Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I Do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who Don' t have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I Do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ASS, doing drugs, while I work. . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?Pass this along if you agree or simpy delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though . something has to change in this country -- and soon!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today I step into a new world,
old memories to you I bid farewell.
Today I come out of my shell,
hidden pain and dismal thoughts farewell.
Today a fresh hope I have felt,
to you unfulfilled dreams farewell.
Today I am born new you can tell,
my past to you I bid farewell.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christmas 2007

We had such a nice Christmas this year. The kids got more gifts then they will ever have time to play with.

We went to see Davids Parents on Christmas Eve (Picture is Avery Playing Battleship with POP) The kids had a nice time, They Love spending time with their Grandparents.

Christmas Day we stayed at home and opened gifts and played and ate and played and ate and played and ate. It was the best Christmas so far.

I have such a great Family I wouldn't have asked for a anything more.

New Year Eve: the kids actually made it till midnight this year. We played board games and watched movies then after the ball dropped we curled up in Mine and Davids bed and fell asleep reading Capt Underpants.

I have a feeling It will be a really Great Year!

Trick or Treat 2007

Gracie had a fever Trick or Treat Night. I put her in the stroller and bundled her up, propped her bucket in her hand and wheeled her house to house. She dozed in and out the whole time.

Avery and Abby of course cleaned up agian this year.

We also celebrated David's 4oth Birthday this week, Can I just say, OH MY GOSH, I AM MARRIED TO A 40 YEAR OLD MAN!!! LOL

Then I come back down to earth and realize that I am 32 years old

and not 21. Life really does fly by when your having fun.

First Day of a Life Sentence ( I mean School)

Well Today was Avery and Abby's first day of School.
I, to put it lightly was not looking forward to it. To all
of you that know me, Know that we have home schooled
for the past two years. Avery was craving more and It
was a lot of work for me trying to find time to play with
the girls and of course with Abby starting School this year
I would have been teaching 2 kids and having a two year old.
So we had a family meeting and decided to give it a try.
Of course Abby and Avery Loved it and I was relieved but
truthfully was Hoping they would hate it. Everyone keeps
saying how much I will love having them gone, I don't think
that day will ever come. Believe me when I say, They drive
me crazy most of the time, but I still can't think of any other
people I would like to spend my time with. Hey It doesn't hurt
that they Love me no matter how crazy I am. Can't beat that.