Friday, May 16, 2008

Oh how I hate Hypocrites.

There is nothing I hate worse then a hypocrite! Someone who gives a false opinion to other's to make themselves look better or to gain something selfishly in return. I know several people like this. They are related,
Which makes sense I guess. They must realize how small and weak they look to rational people.I mean come on, grow some balls. Life is to short to spend it pretending. It really is OK to have your own opinion! Really. It's OK if not everyone agrees with you, that's what makes it your opinion!!! What is not OK - are those people that make excuses for their actions and put the blame on other's. ( I hate to break it to you but it is so obvious who's at fault. Come on there are so many mistakes to choose from and you have left a trail of destruction in your path! ) When you make a mistake, Just admit it. ( and for the love of God Learn from it already ) but don't make excuses or say you did or didn't do something because of someone else. It is so childish.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go girl!
