Thursday, January 08, 2009

It's been a difficult few days here. The kid's have been asking more detailed questions about their Grandparents.( My parents ) These are the same Grandparents that has rejected them as members of their family and have even been publicly snubbed at a family members funeral. The kids now know that their cousins ( Who have not had a relationship with the grandparents either for over a year ) Received Christmas presents. My husband and I kept that bit of info a secret from the kids last year to protect them.

You can only imagine what a 8 and 6 year old was thinking at that moment. I guess I was in denial about them not being old enough to remember or that they didn't care but before now when they would ask a Question about their grandparents David and I would just give them a Short and Generic answer like It's an Adult thing that really isn't about you kids and not to worry about it. Now they know that it is very much about them!

One of the kids asked David and I why does Mamaw and Papaw Hate us And What did we do to make them mad at us? I cant even express in words How angry I was. I had to leave the room before I said things that

would only confuse the kids more.

I have been Hurt and rejected by my Own parents. I swore that I would Never allow them to hurt my kids and I now realize painfully that They hurt my kids.....

I am so Angry right now about this because Grandparents are supposed to Love all of their grandchildren and never want them to hurt. Not my parents, No they were determined to hurt me at whatever cost Including withholding their Love from my kids. They knew ( Hurt her kids, Hurt her! )

Well I hope their happy, My heart hurts for my kids who feel rejected by them and the worst part about about it all is the fact that they didn't even try ,They just didn't care.

David and I knew we were gonna have to sit the kids down and explain things to them but I knew I had to be careful how and what We said.I don't want to lie to them and prolong the inevitable but If we tell them the whole truth, How will they handle it? So I called for reinforcements.

I spent yesterday morning with the school counselor getting her advise and suggestions on the best way to tell the kids. With the counselors help and the support of my sister, David and I sat the kids down last night and talked. In the end We told them that Mommy and Daddy love them very much and will always be there for them no matter what! We told them To remember that Words mean nothing that in the end actions will always tell you the truth. My kids are strong just like I am Strong and they will get through this because they have people in their lives that truly love them and show them love. I don't feel sorry for my kids, I feel sorry for My parents. They are missing out on 4 really Cool kids.


Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you and the kids and that one day God's love will help restore your relationship with your parents.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head when you said your parents are missing out on 4 really cool kids.