Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dreams or Messages?

I had a Dream Friday night about my Grandmother. I woke up Saturday feeling happy and spent the day remembering her and some of the things she would say to me. She was always very loving and comforting when I needed it the most. I think about her often so I didn't really think this dream was any different then any other time. In my dreams she would tell me that she is proud of me and the life that I have made for myself and my choices . With all the stuff going on I just did not realize the date until Last night when I was typing out an invoice and noticed the date.
Saturday was the 6th anniversary of Grandma's Passing. So I wonder. was it just a dream? or was it a message from her. I hope she is watching over my family and that she is proud of me. I wish she was here. I could always talk to her about anything. I was never guarded with her, I trusted her and knew she loved me without judgement. There are things that I only told her and those things went to Heaven with her. 6 years have gone by but I still find myself wanting to pick up the phone and call her. I miss her and I feel very lucky to have had her in my life, I just wish my children could have known her and how great she was.

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