Saturday, September 20, 2008

WE HAVE POWER! 9/20/08

Yippee! We finally have power. Sunday was a little scary, we (David and I ) had to go out back and try to unmangle our gazebo from the fence before it took off and hurt someone or flew into their house. we were thrown into the fence and have some cuts and bruises and damage to the house and fence but we are ok for the most part and thankful for that.

The first night was ok, the kids thought it was great. they camped out downstairs and did not have school the next day. as the days progressed they were really bored and the library was also closed so that would have been our pass time of choice. Thank goodness we had a generator for most of the week. we celebrated my 33rd Birthday in the dark but I have not enjoyed them much since turning 30 so this just added to the dislike.

To add another Stress to all of this was that we were afraid the baby would decide to come early and no power! but it is now Saturday and our power is on and we are ready now Baby, when ever you are!!!

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