He is finally Here.
Braden Rowan ( Brady) was born at home Sunday 9/28/08 at 3:15pm Weighing 9 lbs and 8 ounces 21 inches long.
Labor began Saturday evening and I called for the Midwives at about 11:00 am Sunday Morning. It was very calm and relaxing. I chose not to have my water broken but to wait and Labor slowly on my own.
Around 2:15 I got into the pool. That relaxed me enough to progress things along pretty quickly. I then started getting Back Labor so David was great and pushed really hard on my back during the whole process
( which now is very sore but was heaven during delivery).
About an hour later I was ready to push and when the water broke he was born within 2min. Avery was the first to see his face in the water. (He also was the one to cut the cord).
The kids were amazing, As I knew they would be. It was the most challenging thing I have ever and probably will ever do in my life but as tough as it was, I felt so empowered and just almost euphoric after he came out. I have said that when he was placed into my arms that I heard harps in my head (LOL) I have never felt so good as I did at that moment.
David and I were so pleased with how it all happened. It was perfect and was more fulfilling then even we thought it would be.
Thank God for my incredible Husband for knowing exactly what I needed at the very moment I needed it the most. my kids that were just as in amazement as we were of the whole miracle of life. To my wonderful Midwives that did everything the way we wanted it. To Brady for coming out as quickly as possible and coming on the most perfect day ever.
and To God for seeing me worthy enough to have given me everything I could ever dream of.