We have been really busy with our social life ( kids not ours ) School, sports, Brownies, parties etc, etc, etc.
The whole Family got the H1N1 Vaccine at our Pediatricians office This month , This was something I was very torn about. The Doctor had really great answers and had really done his own research, having small kids of his own so We decided that the alternative was not an option so we had the whole family vaccinated together and all is well now and I can sleep easy knowing the decision has been made and my families health is a little more protected.
The kids are thrilled about the upcoming Holidays and all that comes with them, I'm really excited as well and look forward to decorating the house on Thanksgiving Day and baking a bunch of Christmas cookies with the kids along with all of the other traditions we have acquired over the years. This time of year is really a special time for so many reasons but it feels extra special this year and I'm enjoying every moment of it.