Life has been pretty relaxed here, Not to much excitement ( very much welcomed )
Grace and Abby started their Gymnastics class twice a week and they are Loving it of Course. I was worried and fearful of any limitations Grace might have after the accident so I called her doctors and she got the green light. On the first day I spoke to the teacher just to let her know what to watch for. Grace over heard me and very calmly said SILLY MOMMY, I WILL BE FINE AND IF IT HURTS I WILL STOP. Well there you go. I guess it really is that simple. ( By the way I don't know exactly what day it happened but she is no longer limping at all and I am over the moon about it. )
We were very productive this weekend. Bagged up all their old Toys and clothes to give to Charity: 22 bags of Toys- 5 bags of kids clothes- 2 bags of adult clothes and 7 bags of baby clothes. It feels so good to be free of all of the stuff and that it went to a good cause as well. The toy room looks so good now and they can actually see what they have. Avery's first comment when we were done on Sunday. SO MOM, NOW THAT WE GAVE AWAY ALL THIS STUFF CAN WE GO TO TOYS-R-US AND BUY SOME MORE TOYS? LOL Yep That's my Boy.....