Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
We have not heard the baby's heartbeat yet because we have been trying to go through this pregnancy in a very natural and relaxed way,( HUH ) Well it was fine until a couple of days ago when we were talking about our up coming ultrasound and I started to panic. What if something is wrong?, With our other children I heard their heartbeat at about 6 weeks and the one pregnancy that I didn't, Had a very sad ending.
Our ultrasound is in 2 day's and It looks as though The kid's have their heart set on finding out the sex. I was apprehensive at first but now that It is so close , I am really excited!
I want to also add that my cousin was killed April 10Th Risking her life for another, I can only hope that when God calls on me that I can leave behind such wonderful memory's and Love to my children as she so obviously did for her daughter. I know an Angel in Heaven and I'm sure she greeted Dianna at the gate and their probably sitting some where right now on a cloud watching GVC. Thank You Dianna for your bravery, I just know Best Maw will take care of you.
Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down. Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.The music won't last.
Do you run through each day On the fly?
When you ask How are you? Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head?
You'd better slow down Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.The music won't last.
Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow
And in your haste, Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time To call and say Hi.
You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift thrown away.
Life is not a race. Do take it slower
Hear the music Before the song is over.
Our ultrasound is in 2 day's and It looks as though The kid's have their heart set on finding out the sex. I was apprehensive at first but now that It is so close , I am really excited!
I want to also add that my cousin was killed April 10Th Risking her life for another, I can only hope that when God calls on me that I can leave behind such wonderful memory's and Love to my children as she so obviously did for her daughter. I know an Angel in Heaven and I'm sure she greeted Dianna at the gate and their probably sitting some where right now on a cloud watching GVC. Thank You Dianna for your bravery, I just know Best Maw will take care of you.
Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down. Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.The music won't last.
Do you run through each day On the fly?
When you ask How are you? Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head?
You'd better slow down Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.The music won't last.
Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow
And in your haste, Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time To call and say Hi.
You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift thrown away.
Life is not a race. Do take it slower
Hear the music Before the song is over.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Cayden 4/11/08
Here is An updated Picture of Cayden. We went for a visit and Dinner over at Susi And Bill's. I think if it's possible, Cayden is even cuter now then the last time I saw him. He has the tiniest facial features and a perfectly round head ( Susi's babies always do.) When we came home David said after holding Cayden tonight that he is getting really excited for our baby, I would have to agree. We are going for an ultrasound at the end of the month and the kids are pretty set on finding out if this baby is a girl or a boy. I on the other hand am not so sure, I never found out the sex of the other 3 kids and it was really exciting to find out at birth but with the kids being older they are much more involved this time and we always make big decisions in our family together so I think I might just be out voted this time.
The kids have been so much apart of the whole process so far. David and I made sure that everyone was OK with having a baby before the final decision was made and they are so excited to be apart of this birth since we are having the baby at home with 2 really great midwives. I am so relieved to know that I will not be forced to be separated from my children during one of the greatest moments for our whole family, It just doesn't make much sense to me, When there is another little person being born It effects every member of the family and I think it makes the kids feel left out of something that is just such a life changing time for all of us.
I know that this is not for everyone and I totally understand that but David and I are 100% sure that this is for us. and I can't wait.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Cayden Michael 4/3/08

My sister Susi gave birth to Cayden Michael weighing 9 pounds and 4 ounces the morning of April 3rd 2008. He is so cute, and by looking at him seems very small that is until you pick him up and boy he feels solid.
Cayden reminds me of his sister Bailey when she was a baby. Big brothers Anthony (aka Peanut ), D.J and big sister Bailey waited eagerly for him to make his appearance into this world and as expected were thrilled to meet him. Above are pictures of them holding their new baby brother and Daddy as well. ( even through Susi looked great after major surgery, I did not add pictures of her for fear of her killing me).
Mommy and Baby are all well.
Congratulations Susi and Bill,
We wish you and your family every happiness.
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