Avery and I just finished our second year of homeschooling. So much work yet very rewarding for both. I remember when we first started and how scared I was. Lets face it, how can I teach my child when I didn't do so well myself? Well skip to two years later and I have taught Avery to read ( the thing I was most worried about. ) To be truthful I have learned more in these two years then I ever did when I was in school. ( But Let's face it people, Most kids will do just fine as long as they have parents that are involved.) Unfortunately there are many parents that don't sit down with there kids and help them with their school work. That of course results in Children having a lack of confidence and in some cases the kids even end up giving up on School altogether. It is so important, that my kids know that no matter what is going on in their life, I will always be front and center cheering them on louder then anyone else!